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    Corter Coffee Roasters, 406 S. 8th Street Suite B Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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"Nitty-Gritty Tactics for Fundraising"

  • Friday, October 17, 2014
  • The Space Foundation, Hill Conference Room, 4425 Arrowswest Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907


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"Nitty-Gritty Tactics for Fundraising"

In today's digital age, a fundraiser can go for days - even weeks - without actually interacting with donors and prospects. It is so easy to rely too heavily on the convenience of emails, texts, social media and other electronic means. While we cannot deny the importance of all these platforms and how they have revolutionized our communications, you must not negate the importance of face-to-face communication in our work.

Join us for this session to learn the ins and outs to getting in front of your donors from our 2014 Outstanding Fundraising Executive, Gina Taranto.

$15 for AFP members and $25 for non-members.

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