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News from AFP Global – Membership Dues

Tuesday, May 28, 2019 12:31 PM | Anonymous

You may have seen the recent announcement from AFP International about a $30 increase in annual dues for Professional and Associate members effective July 1, 2019. I know this affects many of our current and prospective members, so I wanted to take a minute to share my thoughts as President of the AFP Southern Colorado Chapter.

First, while the national dues are increasing, the local portion of your dues are not. AFP SOCO will continue to elevate our programming, providing our members with even more valuable education and opportunities to connect with industry peers, all while maintaining our current dues structure.

Second, this increase has been under consideration for a while. Dues have remained the same for 10 years, and as AFP International continues to look at increasing member value (including through new online programs like the AFP 360 career coaching service and negotiation training with AAUW) and growing as an association (including a greater emphasis on inclusion, diversity, equity and access initiatives), a $30 increase is understandable.

Finally, while this will impact a significant portion of our members, there are several dues categories that are not increasing, including Young Professional, Retired and Small Organization. Your board understands the frustration that can accompany these announcements, especially for anyone already questioning the value of their membership. However, we encourage you to explore all that AFP offers. There is more value than ever in your AFP membership, both locally and nationally. Our local educational programming such as our Lunch and Learns, webinars, coffee chats, and annual Summit on Philanthropy make your membership go even further and bring you networking and professional development opportunities that can only be found at AFP Southern Colorado. Please reach out to me or other board members with any concerns, questions or feedback. As always, we thank you for being a part of our AFP SOCO Chapter family and elevating the fundraising profession in our state and local communities.

Jennifer Malenky, MBA, CFRE

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