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Welcome to 2023

Tuesday, January 03, 2023 8:00 AM | Anonymous

I am so excited to serve as President of Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Southern Colorado chapter and work alongside such a diverse and talented 2023 Board.

Let's face it: it is challenging to work in fundraising and development. We are confronted with endless deadlines, budget restraints, and tremendous professional and personal pressures. It can be exhausting, which is why we need to lean on each other, explore career opportunities together, and gain new skills. AFP SOCO is committed to supporting you through these efforts.

AFP SOCO’s amazing leadership team is busy planning continuing education classes, networking opportunities, coffee chats, and the Annual Summit to help you navigate your career. We are also organizing new programs, including mentorships and CFRE study groups!

Please make sure to take advantage and familiarize or re-familiarize yourself with all our member benefits, both with AFP Southern Colorado and the AFP Global website. As always, please reach out if you have any questions or ideas you would like to share. I would love to chat with each and everyone one of you.

Amanda Graham, MPA
AFP SOCO President

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