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  • Thursday, March 20, 2025 8:30 AM
    Corter Coffee Roasters, 406 S. 8th Street Suite B Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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Rocky Mountain Philanthropy Institute

  • Thursday, September 10, 2009
  • Friday, September 11, 2009
  • Vail Mountain Marriott Resort

Relationship Building

in a Weakened Economy


Join your colleagues as we explore ways to strengthen the relationships that are essential to our development careers. 


In this, THE YEAR OF THE FUNDRAISING PROFESSIONAL, the relationships that you build will help you weather this storm and beyond.

  • Networking
  • Dynamic speakers
  • Break-out sessions
  • Each attendee will receive a FREE copy of Let's Have Lunch Together.
  • 2008 Prices!! Your RMPI Committee is bringing in over twice as many speakers as last year, yet we are keeping the registration fees at the same low price as last year.
  • Early Bird Pricing to save even more!
  • Register

Plan a family weekend in the mountains after the institute and enjoy Colorado fall weather. 

 Bring your team to Vail for a retreat and experience RMPI as a group.

At $125 (for AFP members) or $150 (for non-members), if taking advantage of early registration, this is a great opportunity to enjoy a multi-faceted fundraising conference at a very reasonable price.  There will be a networking reception on the eve of the conference that is included, as well.


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