Approved for 1.25 CE credits
October is Ethics Awareness Month, and we are celebrating! That's right, we celebrate—because ethics makes philanthropy and fundraising possible. Without ethics, giving doesn’t happen. Fundraising doesn’t happen. Change and impact don’t happen. Ethics makes it all possible, and THAT’S worth celebrating.
Join Dr. Tracy Gonzalez-Padron, the Director of Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative at UCCS, and her team as we discuss Ethics in Fundraising! Though October is “The Spooky Month” you should not be spooked for this amazing seminar!
The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program at UCCS College of Business is a resource for principle-based ethics education serving students, educators and the business community. The DFEI Collegiate Program at UCCS was launched in 2010 as one of eight business schools of the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program. The Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative founded by Bill Daniels strives to deliver principle-based ethics education and reinforce the value of ethical business and personal conduct.
AFP Southern Colorado Chapter
PO Box 231
Colorado Springs, CO 80901