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How to Talk to your Board About Fundraising

  • Thursday, April 26, 2012
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • The Warehouse


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Speakers Brinah Vincent, CFRE, and Jim Brozo, CFRE, CSPG, present a one-hour workshop for development professionals and Executive Directors--bring your Board members, especially Development and Finance chairs!

$15 members/$25 members includes post-workshop networking and nibbles.

Is your Board engaged in your development efforts the way you want them to be?  Do they bury their heads in the sand when asked to commit to development planning? Boards tend to place a great deal of emphasis on results. Your Board wants to hear about ROI and low fundraising costs.  How do you move beyond metrics and create an understanding of the long-term nature of donor development?   What do you do if you don't really even have access to the Board to try to deepen their understanding?  Perhaps you are not sure what your own position or credibility is with the Board.  We will explore strategies to help you talk to YOUR Board!
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