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CPGR Presents: Supporting Breakthrough Conversations for the Families You Serve

  • Thursday, March 19, 2009
  • 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • The Denver Country Club, 1700 East First Avenue, Denver, CO 80218

The Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable
is proud to announce the educational opportunity: 

Supporting Breakthrough Conversations for the Families You Serve
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Presented by

Kristen Armstrong, PhD
Executive Coaching and Leadership Development
Kristen Armstrong & Associates

Please register by Thursday, March 12th on-line at www.cpgr.org or call (303) 932-6168

Outside the Metro area? This session will be held via web and phone at several sites throughout Colorado.
cpgr@msn.com for more information.

Time, Location and Cost
11:00 am - 1:15 pm (11:00 am – registration/ 11:30 a.m. Lunch/ 12:00 Presentation)
The Denver Country Club, 1700 East First Avenue, Denver, CO 80218
$40.00 CPGR members: $55 non-CPGR members

Supporting Breakthrough Conversations for the Families You Serve
Kristen Armstrong, family coach and consultant, will share with us some of the tools she utilizes to help families break through to new levels of communication and understanding around sensitive and important issues. She will describe a three-question process she teaches her clients to utilize as they hold crucial conversations before making critical decisions together. You will have the opportunity to apply these tools to real situations you face today, and will come away with some simple, yet illuminating, questions to raise for those you serve.

Kristen Armstrong, PhD, is a clinical and consulting psychologist with 21 years of private practice in family systems and dynamics, and over ten years in wealth, business and leadership coaching.  She has developed expertise in helping families reach positive decisions relating to shared assets and business ventures, developing next generation leaders and creating family governance structures that ensure successful collaboration among family members.

By background a psychologist, Kristen made a career change over a decade ago into life and business coaching, and became certified as Master Professional Executive Coach. She began to serve executives in a variety of corporations, from Fortune 500 companies to closely-held businesses and start-ups, as these sought her services for individual and executive team coaching. Her consulting work brought her full-circle back to families and their interesting dynamics, so Kristen joined the Family Firm Institute and obtained its certification as a Family Advisor in order to better understand and serve the family enterprises which comprised the bulk of her clientele. 

Today, Kristen combines a deep understanding of the complex interpersonal dynamics at play in wealthy families with their interaction with business, investment, and philanthropic endeavors. Her passions include helping families communicate effectively across the generations, make collaborative decisions, and to discover their purposes and how to best support one another in fulfilling them. She enables her family clients to understand the differing needs of the individuals and generations, and to uncover--with the help of their other trusted advisors--creative means to meet these disparate issues. Kristen knows the value of collaboration with other advisors involved in serving her client families, and looks for ways to bring them together to work as a team whenever possible.

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