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CPGR Presents: The Economic Outlook for 2009

  • Wednesday, January 28, 2009
  • 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • The Denver Country Club, 1700 East First Avenue


The Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable
is proud to announce the educational opportunity: 

The Economic Outlook for 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Presented by

Robert Bush
AIF Director of Fixed Income & Economics
Capital Investment Counsel

Please register by Wednesday, January 21st on-line at www.cpgr.org or call (303) 932-6168

Outside the Metro area? This session will be held via web and phone at several sites throughout Colorado.
cpgr@msn.com for more information.

Time, Location and Cost
11:00 am - 1:15 pm (11:00 am – registration/ 11:30 a.m. Lunch/ 12:00 Presentation)
The Denver Country Club, 1700 East First Avenue, Denver, CO 80218
$40.00 CPGR members: $55 non-CPGR members

The Economic Outlook for 2009
Mr. Bush will review the dynamic policy changes that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department are making in their attempts to revive the struggling US economy. He will also preview the fiscal policy that will be implemented under the new Obama Administration as well as the economic and financial market implications of these policy changes throughout 2009. Finally, and most importantly, he will review several economic and security market data points to monitor as a measure of the success of these major stimulus policy decisions.

Robert Bush, AIF Director of Fixed Income & Economics - Capital Investment Counsel
Bob Bush has over 30 years of experience in the investment field and is the founder of ERIC Forecasting Publications, an economic and fixed income consulting service.  An intense focus on macro economic developments both in the US and around the world is the foundation for his research.  This fundamental view is supported by 30 years of technical analysis on interest rates.

Bob earned his MBA from the University of Colorado.   Bob currently serves on the Pinnacol Assurance Board of Directors’ Finance Committee.   He also serves on the Colorado State Treasurer’s Investment Advisory Board, having been reappointed by every Colorado State Treasurer for the last 20 years.  He is a Past President and current member of the CFA Society of Colorado and a member of the National Fixed Income Analyst Society.   In 2004, Bob became an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF).  Bob has served as special investment consultant to the Metro State College Board of Directors and the CU Foundation.

Register here!

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