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  • Thursday, March 20, 2025 8:30 AM
    Corter Coffee Roasters, 406 S. 8th Street Suite B Colorado Springs, CO 80905
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AFP SOCO's Coffee Chat

  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020
  • 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
  • Colorado Nonprofit Association - Pikes Peak Office Orange Room, 723 N Weber Street, Suite 200, COS, 80903


Registration is closed

Colleagues, Collaborators and Competitors 

How Do We Build Supportive Community When Sometimes We Are All Three?

Free for AFP Members

Join AFP SOCO and the Colorado Nonprofit Association Pikes Peak Region for coffee and conversation. This month's chat will focus on the sometimes conflicting ways we as fundraisers interact with and relate to one another. In one instance, we may be working to foster a strong partnership in pursuit of a grant while at the same time approaching the same individual donor for major funding. This session will examine how feelings of scarcity, competition and an increasing funder focus on collaboration impacts our relationship as colleagues. We look forward to seeing you there!

CNA member registration is available on the CNA website.

For AFP member registration, you must be a current member; after a 30-day grace period following the expiration of your membership, you will need to register at the non-member rate. Membership renewals are handled by AFP International at www.afpglobal.org.

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