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AFP SOCO's July Lunch and Learn

  • Friday, July 24, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Registration is closed

Diversity in Fundraising: A Way Forward

Hear from diverse community leaders about their experiences within our local non-profit organizations. Using their input, learn best practices for fundraising from diverse constituencies, diversifying your boards, and effectively serving your populations. Join us for a moderated conversation with an open mind and an open heart as we work together to bring about a more inclusive approach to our work.

This program will be moderated by Emily Brown, Individual Giving Manager, Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado

If you need assistance with registration or attending the program, please contact prez-elect@afpsoco.org


Aikta Marcoulier, MBA

Executive Director
Pikes Peak Small Business Development Center

Danielle Summerville

Nonprofit Community Leader

Walter Glover

US Olympic Endowment

Mina Liebert

Director of Community Impact
Pikes Peak Community Foundation

Mia Ramirez

Community Partner
The Colorado Trust

We know these are trying times for many, and we don’t want cost to be a barrier to serving our fellow fundraising professionals. This Lunch and Learn is free of charge; however, consider making a donation to AFP SOCO of $5, $10, or $15 at time of registration so that we can continue to provide valuable learning opportunities and support to you and your colleagues. We look forward to “seeing” you at the Lunch and Learn and we hope it helps alleviate a tiny bit of stress from your day while adding value to your important work.

  Full participation in this program is applicable for 1.0 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

For each Lunch and Learn, AFP SOCO donates a portion of the proceeds to a nonprofit organization chosen by the speaker(s) in their honor, and in appreciation for their expertise and their willingness to share their knowledge.

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