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CPGR Presents: Almost Everything Gift Planners Need to Know About Income Taxes

  • Thursday, November 13, 2008
  • 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • The Denver Country Club, 1700 East First Avenue, Denver, CO 80218


 The Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable
is proud to announce an educational opportunity

Marc Carmichael, J.D.
President, R&R Newkirk Company

Almost Everything Gift Planners Need to Know About Income Taxes

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Please register by Thursday, November 6th on-line at www.cpgr.org or call (303) 932-6168

Outside the Metro area? This session will be held via web and phone at several sites throughout Colorado.
Contact cpgr@msn.com for more information.

This meeting includes the CPGR Annual Meeting:
11:30 a.m. - Noon  - Important Voting Issue including 2009 slate of officers - all members are encouraged to attend

Time, Location and Cost
11:00 am - 1:15 pm (11:00 am – registration/ 11:30 a.m. Lunch & Annual Meeting/Noon Presentation)
The Denver Country Club, 1700 East First Avenue, Denver, CO 80218
$40.00 CPGR members: $55 non-CPGR members

Almost Everything Gift Planners Need to Know About Income Taxes
This program will cover the most important income tax concepts, vocabulary and strategies that gift planners need to know. Emphasis will be on individual taxation, but the session will also cover income taxation of trusts, estates and businesses. This program goes beyond the charitable giving tax rules and provides important background on areas that affect gift planning, directly or indirectly. What are the four basic strategies for reducing income taxes – and how all may be used in charitable gift planning? How do depreciation deductions affect a donor’s gift of a building? What determines whether business owners should make gifts personally or through their businesses? Gift planners don’t have to be tax attorneys to be effective in working with donors, but they do need to be "tax literate" – to know the basics of federal income taxes, so they can recognize and understand donors’ tax problems – and tax-saving opportunities available through gift planning. Attending this session will assist attendees to become more comfortable in speaking with donors and advisers about tax problems, and may even help planners reduce their own taxes!

Marc Carmichael, J.D., President - R&R Newkirk Company
Marc is president of the R&R Newkirk Company and has worked nearly 30 years in the field of charitable gift planning. R&R Newkirk publishes the Charitable Giving Tax Service, a four-volume reference library on planned giving and charitable estate planning, "The Advisor" charitable estate planning newsletter and "The Federal Tax Pocket Guide for Advisors and Planners." His company also provides gift planning training and promotional literature for hundreds of organizations. Marc is a graduate of the Indiana University School of Law and is a member of the Indiana State Bar Association. He was the 1998 president of the National Committee on Planned Giving and served on the board of directors of the Chicago Planned Giving Council. He has spoken at national fundraising conferences, the Ohio CLE institute, numerous professional advisor conferences and the National Conference on Financial Planning. He was chair of the 1996 National Conference on Planned Giving (NCPG) in Chicago and from 1999-2003 chaired the NCPG editorial advisory committee, which publishes The Journal of Gift Planning. In 2005 he received the Russell V. Kohr Memorial Award for Excellence in Gift Planning from the Chicago Council on Planned Giving.

Register here!

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