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Crafting Your Fundraising Story

  • Tuesday, January 13, 2009
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Slocum Commons, Colorado College
  • 31


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Crafting Your Fundraising Story with Doug Stevenson: 

People buy on emotion and then rationalize their decision intellectually. With all of the choices people and organizations have when considering where to donate their money, understanding the role emotion plays in fundraising is critical to achieving your goals.   But how do you tap into people’s emotions? The answer is, with a story. The right story, crafted with the right ingredients, told in the appropriate manner, will increase your fundraising results dramatically.  Doug Stevenson, creator of the Story Theater Method, will teach storytelling skills that you can implement immediately.  In this program, you'll:

1: Learn how to identify the right story
2: Use a Nine Step Story Structure template to craft the story
3: Understand how to use emotional triggers
4: Feel more comfortable fundraising by using stories


Free for members

$20 for non members

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