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Nonprofit Workshop - Who, Where, Why? Discussion

  • Tuesday, August 09, 2016
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Penrose Library - 20 North Cascade, Aspen Room

PPLD logoNonprofit Workshop - Who? Where? Why? Discussion

New to the nonprofit world? Have questions but are not sure who to ask? Looking for resources, training, consulting, etc. and not sure where to find it? Wondering why your colleagues do not understand what you do? Kimberley Sherwood, Principal, Third Sector Group, will lead a discussion that includes Shannon Rauen, Membership and Capacity Builder, Center for Nonprofit Excellence, Gina Taranto, President, Association of Fundraising Professionals Southern Colorado, and Tammy Sayles, El Pomar Nonprofit Resource Center Librarian with Pikes Peak Library District. We want to hear from you. Bring your questions and information needs for an open discussion. Please register by emailing attendance request to tsayles@ppld.org

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