A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!!
The Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable is pleased to announce that the National Conference on Planned Giving will be held in none other than the Mile High City in 2008:
National Conference on Planned GivingTechniques, Best Practices, Marketing and More …Please see the attached for information on speakers, topics, registration, cost and more. You can also visit the link on the National Committee on Planned Giving website athttp://www.ncpg.org/national_conf/08conf_index.asp?section=10
Contact the National Committee on Planned Giving for any additional questions at (317) 269-6274.
We are thrilled to welcome more than 1300 gift planning professionals from throughout the country to Colorado for this conference, and hope many of you will be able to take advantage of it being held in our own backyard and attend as well!
AFP Southern Colorado Chapter
PO Box 231
Colorado Springs, CO 80901