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CPGR Presents:The Conviction Conversation - motivating People to want to make a gift

  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • CNE: 518 N Nevada

This presentation will be offered at no cost in Colorado Springs via web and phone. 

No driving to Denver required to participate!


The Conviction Conversation: 

Motivating People to Want to Make a Gift


Think of your most cherished donor relationship…  What makes it special and of value to you?  How would it feel to have this kind of relationship with all your donors and prospects?   What would that do for you?  What would that do for them? What experiences do you want your donors to have?   What is your value exchange?


This interactive session will guide you to deeper, better relationships with your donors in a conviction approach instead of a money getting approach.  Learn how to harness the power of relationship that will take token gifting to gifts of significance.


Presented by William M. Eck, President, True North Connections


This program will also provide a great opportunity to meet and network with your professional colleagues in the Colorado Springs area!


When:             Wednesday, August 27, 2008

                        11:15 am – 1:00 pm


Location:        Center for Nonprofit Excellence

                        518 N Nevada Avenue


To Bring:        Your own bag lunch and drink, and desire to learn


RSVP:             To Danielle Hudson at danielle@cnecoloradosprings.org by Aug 22nd  


The Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable’s Brown Bag series are for professionals new to planned giving or in the process of putting a planned giving program in place.  These sessions can also serve as a great refresher for the seasoned professional. CPGR recruits local experts from among its membership to lead these informal sessions.

For more information about CPGR, visit our website at www.cpgr.org or email cpgr@msn.com.


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