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"Third Party Fundraising Campaigns: The Good, the Bad, the Reality"

  • Friday, February 20, 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • The Space Foundation, Hill Conference Room, 4425 Arrowswest Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907
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  • Member registration - please use your email address to access member registration.

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"Third Party Fundraising Campaigns: The Good, the Bad, the Reality"

We are all still recovering from a season ripe with third party fundraising campaigns – Indy Give, Colorado Give, and Combined Federal Campaign to name a few. It seems there are more and more of these initiatives available to nonprofits, but are they right for your organization? How do they fit in with your other strategies, such as your own year-end campaign? What kind of time commitment do they require? Are they worth that time and other resources needed? Will you just be drowning your prospects and donors with asks, or is giving them a lot of different ways to support you a good thing? Will they attract new donors you otherwise wouldn’t find? What does retention of donors from these campaigns look like? Other campaign initiatives that will be discussed include Giving Tuesday, Empty Stocking Fund and Enterprise Zone.

Join us for answers to these questions and more. Hear from colleagues who have participated in the various campaigns about what’s good, what’s maybe not as good as well as other important considerations so you can make an informed decision about what makes the most sense for your organization.

$15 for AFP members
$25 for non-members

Includes lunch

11:30 AM - Networking & Lunch
Noon - 1:30 PM - Program

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