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4th Annual Summit on Philanthropy

  • Friday, August 20, 2010
  • 9:00 AM - 6:59 PM
  • The Penrose House, Pavilion


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AFP's Summit on Philanthropy


Kay Sprinkel Grace

As part of our Local Commitment - AFP provides exceptional trainings and conferences to our colleagues right here in Southern Colorado

August 20, 2010 Penrose House Pavilion


8:30 a.m. - Registration

9:00 a.m. - Session I: Relationship Building:  The Greatest Evidence of Philanthropy

10:10 a.m. - Networking and visit exhibitors

10:30 a.m. - Session II: Stewardship; Everybody's Job

12:00 p.m. - Luncheon, visit exhibitors

 12:45 p.m. - Presentation of the Outstanding Fundraising Executive Award  and the inaugural Outstanding Emerging Fundraising Professional Award

1:15 p.m. - Session III: We Survived the First Decade of this Century -- What Did We Learn to Navigate the Second Decade?

3:00 p.m. - Closing Remarks and Networking/Raffle prizes

AFP, CNE & CPGR Members $65

Nonmembers $85



Scholarships Available

Please email or call Christi-Marie about scholarships: cm.butler@coloradocollege.edu


Relationship Building:  The Greatest Evidence of Philanthropy.  Kay Sprinkel Grace will look at one of the most important aspects of philanthropic leadership, relationship building.  As we move into a world of social networking and on-line appeals, how do we maintain the depth of relationships which every shred of evidence tells us were the single strongest factor in organizations that came out of the recession not only intact, but in better shape?  Kay believes it is by returning to the roots of philanthropy -- love of humankind as manifested through voluntary action for the public good.   She will challenge us that fundraising is not about money, it is about relationships.  Weaving her experience and wisdom with stories from the field, she will reinforce the need for creating long term relationships.


 Stewardship:  Everyone's Job.  It is tempting to relegate the job of stewardship (along with cultivation and asking) to the development staff and the board -- but Kay Sprinkel Grace knows that stewardship is everyone's job.  Development and the board may raise the money -- but who spends it?  No matter the kind of organization, all program, administrative and support staff are part of the stewardship team.  From answering phones, to greeting people, to knowing the elevator speech when approached by a donor while standing in line at the movies, everyone needs to know the stewardship cycle, the impact of stewardship, and why is a vital piece of a successful development and fundraising program.


We Survived the First Decade of this Century -- What Did We Learn to Navigate the Second Decade?  A look at the Giving USA figures for 2009 along with a summary of the trends of the first decade (why do we respond so to disasters but allow chronic issues like education to languish?) will launch this interactive discussion of trends, tip, tactics and techniques that provide insights into the minds of the donors, the demographics and dynamics of the new philanthropists, what messages worked last decade and will continue to work, and what memories and practices we need to surrender.  Supported by data and stories, this fast-paced session will leave you with something to talk about -- and some things to do.


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