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CPGR Presents: New Decade Donors

  • Thursday, March 25, 2010
  • 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Pikes Peak United Way 518 North Nevada Ave.

As the field of gift planning enters the new decade, who will be the donors during 2010 - 2020? This presentation covers trends that will shape the donors of the future. Based on the evolving economy, wealth and taxes, and the foreseeable financial planning boom, a focus on marketing opportunities for the "Greatest Generation" group and baby boomers will be explored. Much of the discussion will center on the use of eMarketing techniques for planned gifts in the coming decade. The presentation will close with stories of New Gift Planners already raising $10 Million+ in eGifts. Do you want to join this group? We will talk about the reasons for their success and how you too can be successful in the decade ahead.


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